Upcoming Guest Facilitation

  • Sexpo Adelaide

    Mistress Eros will be performing, MCing and presenting talks and demos all weekend. Sx ED/ K!nk stage

    October 4th - 6th 2024

  • Taste of Love

    Opening Temple facilitator, consent & boundaries workshop.

    Receive $100 discount using my code- TOLFESTIVAL5

    October 10-14 2024

  • Sexpo Melbourne

    Mistress Eros will be performing MCing and presenting talks and demos all weekend. Sx ED/K!nk stage

    November 1st- 3rd

  • Conscious Sexuality Experience Practitioner Retreat

    Guest Facilitator

    Sunshine Coast

    November 7th-13th 2024

  • Sensual Arts Tantra Retreat

    Guest Facilitator

    Koh Phangan, Thailand

    December 9-16th

Want Mistress Eros to guest facilitate at your next festival or event?

Fill out the form below and she will be in touch!